Monday 3 August 2015

Just a thought...

Lately I’ve been strolling down memory lane & in one of my journeys back in time, I have recalled my Friendster acc. I could still remember the craze of the 1st social network that really hit the crowd except Purplelab lol. Here are the things I'm sure we all miss about the classic social media site --- FRIENDSTER!

Oh those texts that our friends post in our walls to show how much thy value our friendship.
( the simple rule is when we are given a testimonial, we are also required to post one to our friend’s wall )

Glitter texts:
From posting just plain texts, we all discovered that putting testimonials in our friends' walls can be made more special by adorning them with colorful gifs/jpeg.

Customized background:
Social media wall had never been more personalized than during Friendster times.
( Although FB today has a way of customizing our page - timeline photos )

The sad part is when we ''migrated'' from Friendster to Facebook, we left some friends that were loyal to Friendster. Time had passed and we lost contact with them, and when the old social media site shut down its service on 2011, we don’t have any way to keep track of some of them. haixx...

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