Wednesday 19 August 2015


" Time can heal all wounds but it can never erase the scars "

Not all wounds can be healed with time...I know this from personal experience. You can forgive but not forget. Broken hearts can be put back together and look whole but the scars will always remain as a reminder to take more care next time. This is a case v every human beings =( sometimes the time is not right & everything goes wrong. When the time is right, everything is right, no matter what u did was right/wrong. We wait for a right time to do certain things which r appropriate for dat time. Time definitely can heal all the wounds bcz if the right time has come in your life then u will forget all ur sorrows & the bad things which happened in the past. But it can never erase the scar because even tho we forget the bad things which happened in the past we cannot erase the wrongs and the bad memories. '' They '' are '' there '' to stay...

To '' anonymous'' :

Sometimes I don't text u first because I don't want to feel like I'm annoying u...bcuz I knew u changed the way you replied, start using one word answers. Or not even answer at all. Sometimes I can just sense dat something in the conversation had changed.. It has been a quite long time since the last time we '' talked''. Even afta the way u dumped me, I just can’t stop thinking about u. It’s not bcz I don’t have any self-respect, but bcz my love was true. I..miss you.. Although I know & accept the fact dat our relationship is over, there were something dat I just couldn’t let go of and move on. I just hv some regrets. The type of regrets dat has been keeping me up at night & making me sick to my stomach to think about =( these were regrets abt how and who I was in our relationship, and regrets dat I could hv and should hv done more.. I knew from the vry beginning dat we are 2 diff people who are on 2 diff walks of life. To me though, as long as we were together, I was the happiest I could be we’re not, it feels like a part of me is missing, and it still hurts.. Part of me wonders if our relationship would hv played out differently if I didn’t get sucked into my own fear... I know and accept that you don’t feel the same towards me as I feel towards you tho, tho it does hurt, obviously...and like I said before. I just hope dat u will put yourself on the right track to find true happiness. I also hope dat u will find someone who u love as much as I love u, and when u find her, don’t let her go. No matter if she deserves better or whatever reasons u can think of to talk yourself out of being with her =) I still want to at least be friend v you, like u said dat u wanted when you broke up with me : '' I want to be able to talk and joke around with you..''

Love always,

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