Thursday 6 August 2015


Strumming the strings of my life 
( practice makes perfect )

Guitar is pretty easy to learn. The hardest part for me was suffering thru the calluses ( fingers hurt badly for the first week of playing! ). I'm not familiar with guitar brand, my guitar brand was "Kapok" ( acoustic guitar ) imported from GuangZhou cost around RM180 ( bag is not included ). From my experience, guitar from RM150 to RM400 have not much differences, either brand was not really needed to concern, most importantly is your left hand are comfortable when pressing chords. If you want to learn basics and learn songs based on the stuff that you have learnt, I personally recommend you try 马叔叔吉他教学 If you want to learn a random song go to Youtube type the song name and add guitar lesson you will get a bunch of them. =)

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