Thursday 13 August 2015

Who are you to judge me?

'' You'll be fine '' That's what everyone says but you dont know how my life hurts me. You see some shit you think you've lived thru but you dont think about the fact that you're not me! You possibly may handle life pains a lil better than me but because you are so strong and can keep on keeping on doesn't give you the right to judge me! I know things will soon change and today doesn't turn into tomorrow and tomorrow isn't forever. I just wish someone could walk with me instead of walking away from me when things get bad. Dont tell me you're there and slowly phase yourself away leaving me to wake to another day with no footsteps in the sand. Life hurts me, so manyyy bad decisions, wrong turns and too manyyy broken promises. Before you judge my life, my past or my character, walk the path I have travelled, live my sorrow, my doubts, fear...etc. Everyone has a story, but I have history. Dont judge me just because you've turned your emotions off and can walk away from what hurts you doesn't mean I can, and even if I could that doesn't mean I will. kthxbye!

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