Sunday 9 August 2015

100 random things about me

Get to know me 
100 random questions

1.  Do you prefer to stay home or go out?
Depends on the mood

2.  What is your favorite drink?
Dark mocha frapuccino with whipped cream ( Starbucks )

3.  What is your favorite food?

4.  What is your favorite color?

5.  What is your favorite perfume?
Juicy Couture

6.  What is your favorite holiday?

7.  Are you married?
Nope, I can’t find anybody who is as crazy as me lol

8.  How tall are you?
152cm, but I think I might be shrinking lol

9.  What is your favorite song at the moment?
Fuying & Sam “可不可以你也刚好喜欢我”

10.  What is your favorite restaurant?

11.  What is your favorite Blog?
I don’t have a fav one yet. There are plenty out there that are fantastic tho.

12. What phone do you have?
Iphone 5s

13.  What is your favorite movie?
Paranormal activity

14.  What is your favorite pet?
Toy poddle & Golden Retriever

15.  Have you been out of the Country?
Yes, plenty of times

16.  What is your favorite clothing store?
Mango, H&M

17.  What quote/phrase do you live by?
No pain, no gain.

18.  What kind of style would you define yourself as having?
I don’t think I have a style, I wear what I feel comfortable in.

19. What is you favorite number?
2. I’m not sure why but it’s just always a number I’ve liked =)

20. What is you favorite make up brand?

21. Do you like swimming?
Yes. Definitely

22.  What is your favorite moisturizer?
Hada Labo, Forever 

23.  Do you have any siblings?

24.  What is the first thing you notice about people?
Body language cues

25.  Do you prefer strength training or cardio?
Absolutely strength training!

26.  Who is your favorite author?

27.  What is your ringtone?

28.  How old will you be turning on your next birthday?

29.  Where do you buy your groceries?
Servay, Giant

30.  What instruments do you play?
Piano, guitar

31.  What is your favorite jewelry?

32.  Can you cook?
Yes, my specialities are chinese cuisine food =)

33.  Do you always smile for pictures?
Yes, but I am veryyy un-photogenic so I end up looking like a troll lol

34.  What size is you bed?
Super single

35.  Do you still watch cartoons?
None come to mind

36.  What do you drink with dinner?

37.  What movies could you watch over and over and still love?

38.  What is you usual bedtime?
It changes every single night

39.  Are you stubborn?
I used to be

40.  What occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?

41.  Do you prefer Nike or Adidas?
Converse haha!

42.  How many cds do you own?

43.  Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

44.  Does anyone know the password to your email address?
Nope. no one

45.  What is your favorite thing about your crush?
Voice and smile

46.  Do you have any strange phobia?

47.  Why do you have a blog?
Because it’s a space for me to say what I wanna say, sharing my thoughts, experiences and fun stuffs =)

48.  If you were the opposite gender. What name would you like to have?

49.  Ever won a contest?
Yes, writing contest =)

50.  What is your favorite kind of chocolate?
Lindt, Kinder Bueno

51.  Do you go to church every Sunday?
I didn’t for a long time

52.  Do you take vitamins daily?

53.  What is your favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?

54.  Do you love anyone?
My heart is open & full of love, so absolutely I do.

55.  Do you hate anyone that you know right now?

56.  What color is your car?

57.  Are you thinking about someone right now?
Yes *deep emo sigh*

58.  How did you get your worst scar?
The worst scars are the ones I hide on the inside...

59.  What is your favorite ice cream?
Magnum almond choc

60.  Ever had a terrible breakup?
Unfortunately yes..

61.  How much do you weigh?

62.  Any tattoos?
Yes, clavicle and back of the neck

63.  Any piercings?
Yes, tragus and rook

64.  What is your zodiac sign?

65.  Quality you look for in a partner?
Humble, genuine, caring & funny

66.  What is your favorite of sweet?
I don't like sweet

67.  What is your dream vacation?

68.  What is next trip you are going to take?

69.  Are you rich?
By some people's standards yes, by others, no

70.  What is the worst exam result you remember ever getting?

71.  Who is your favorite movie actress?
Stephen Chow

72.  What is the worst movie you have ever seen?

73.  What is the worst song you have ever heard?

74.  If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

75.  Have you ever bought alcohol or cigarettes while underage?

76.  Have you ever been arrested?

77.  Where would you definitely never go to?
Saudi Arabia

78.  Would you ever smile at a stranger?

79.  How often do you listen to music?
Whenever I'm in the car

80.  Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
Who hasn't??

81.  Does anyone hate you?
Most certainly...

82.  If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?

83.  Think back 2 months ago. Were you in a relationship?

84.  Do you replay things that have happened in your head?

85.  Have you ever won a trophy?

86.  What was the name of your first pet?

87.  What is the last movie that you saw at the cinema?

88.  What is you nickname

89.  How many relationships have you been in?

90.  How many were serious enough to count?

91.  Are you silly?

92.  Do you believe in karma?

93.  What is your favorite type of steak to eat?
Medium rare sirloin

94.  What is your favorite cuisine?

95.  What is your best childhood memory?
Playing with my dolls, making kites & bike riding

96.  What is your favorite fast food restaurant?

97.  Who is your favorite singer?

98.  What is your occupation?

99.  Do you use sarcasm a lot?

100.  What foods do you dislike?

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