Sunday 23 August 2015

Point of PROMISE

'' People ask me why it's so hard to trust people? and I ask them why is it so hard to keep a promise '' - unknown

For what I have seen... I don't think people have self-control anymore, whether it is telling a secret or being in a relatioship...Making a promise & sticking to it is hard. As long as u promised , u should be keeping it and holding it. When someone tells me : '' promise me to do "something", tbh when I know I can't do it or it may take longer time, I'll say : '' I don't promise u bcuz I can't assure if I can do it or not ". I won't deny dat most of them get annoyed of me bcuz I'm saying so but logically how can I say something I'm gonna do although I dunno if I can do it or not? several times I found although I don't break my promises, '' those peoples '' who are dealing with me are breaking their ones. Hmm... promises shouldn't only be in big stuff , u must also keep ur promises in the smallest things. I never gave a promise that I will not keep, so my promises is rare and hard to get =)

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